The Swamp (All That I Can’t Leave Behind)

Personal Work

Short Film

Oct 2022

  The stone that sinks into itself and is picked up along with suffering has an ego at some point and becomes a different entity from oneself. Then they scoop themselves up and take them to places they had never imagined. This is a milestone work by an author who has progressed along with his creations, even though it is difficult to live.

  This work is based on the unfinished work “Swamp,” which was created in 2021, and is a work that has been drastically restructured and re-created. The act of being saved in the past was superimposed with the decision to reinvent once thinking about what I was about to throw away, and the subtitle was “All That I Can't Leave Behind (All That I Can't Leave Behind).”

  On the technical side, by using Unreal Engine, it was possible to produce realistic images while reducing the cost of trial and error. Self-made virtual productions are also used at the same time, and elements of live action are also incorporated into the work. These experiments give the work an eerie sense of reality. The game world and the video world were born differently, but now I feel that the two worlds are closer than ever before. This game was based on real-time borderless 3D expression using a game engine, and challenged how free, bold, and high-quality things can be created on that foundation.

Excellence Award in the “2022 Asia Digital Art Awards Exhibition FUKUOKA Student Category/Video Category”

Excellence Award at the “5th Fellows Film Festival Student Division CG Animation Division”

Exhibited at “Ebisu Film Festival 2023"

Selected for “Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2023 U-25 Project”

Selected for “New York Japan CineFest 2023”

Selected for the “Los Angeles Animation Festival 2023”

Selected for the “8th CONTACT International Student Film Festival”